Setem by Kabir Bhatia

filem2 y terlibat dgn afdlin selalunya mesti ad best nye..
filem ni lak menang 4 award masa FFM 22...
mahu juga aku tngok cter xtwu ble hek2

2 Response to "Setem by Kabir Bhatia"

  1. z.a.r.a Says:


    klau movie yg afdlin/kabir bhatia yg arahkn mmg superb la jwbnye..

    ko beli je la dvd cetak rompak, abis cite hehe~

  2. Aku ian Says:

    haha...adesh cmtu je ke??
    klo u ade..
    ley pnjam x?kah2

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